“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set into place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” Psalm 8:3-4
“The gospel changes everything” is the mantra of the Daily Grace company (that I absolutely love). It is a simple yet profound statement because the gospel truly does change everything if we allow it into the mundane moments of our lives.
I recently finished rereading the book, “Because He Loves Me: How Christ Transforms Our Daily Life” by Elyse Fitzpatrick. The premise of the book is that often, “once we’ve understood and accepted the message of the gospel, the person and work of the Redeemer becomes secondary to what we’re focused on – living the Christian life.” We can often allow ourselves to pursue spiritual growth and to display characteristics of the life the Lord has called us to by our own means and strength, which does not lead to the true transformation of our hearts and minds that the Lord desires for us.
I recently spent some time with a woman that is in a really difficult situation and lifestyle. I walked with her and held her hand asking her about herself, her favorite color, her dreams, and her passions. When she told me that her favorite color was red, I giggled because I had a feeling that’s what it was. How did I have that inkling? Because I know that God is in the smallest of details and we happened to be surrounded by red buildings. My friend, Megan, calls this a “God wink.” You see, the Lord not only offers us eternal life through Jesus (although if that were the only thing He offered it would still be amazing), but He also offers us abundant life in the here and now when we are walking with Him and seeking His heart. I’ve talked before about the bright green fields, the vibrant flowers, and the sunshine here in the DR and how every time I notice the beauty around me, I’m reminded of the gospel and the Lord’s heart for me. He doesn’t just invite me to be in His presence when my time here on earth is over. He invites me into an intimate relationship with Him right now. He has lavished so much grace upon me and sometimes I don’t stop and really think about it.
I have to admit that it feels like more often than not lately, I have been pursuing “godly” living without investing in my relationship with the God who is in the details and it has left me both physically and spiritually drained. I’ve taken on more responsibilities since Jeff and Kamanda left and have developed some more sweet relationships. And these are good things that I am passionate about, but I have struggled to prioritize my time with the Lord. But I’m thankful that the Holy Spirit tugs on my heart to draw me back into His loving arms. He doesn’t shame me for my shortcomings, but embraces me with compassion and grace and gives me lots of “winks.”
Things are busy, as usual, around here. Here are a few of my favorite moments from this month:
Wendoli, the little girl I met when I first came on a trip to San Juan, occasionally helps me on the weekends to prep for teams. I was sad that I wasn’t getting to spend much time with her because of our schedules, but I had the idea to have her help me so that we could spend some time together. She really enjoys making the pasta salad and cookie dough! It’s been so much fun to teach her some new things!

One of my friends, Di Blasio (aka the best classical pianist in the DR) had a performance at City Hall. It was fun to dress up and to finally hear him play some beautiful classical music at a cultural event our new mayor held to promote the ministry of culture and humanities effort to revive the history and culture of San Juan.

It has been so, so sweet to grow my relationship with the administrators at CCED. This month, I visited the Senior Nursing class to give them a better understanding of Solid Rock’s mission and ministries. They helped promote the upcoming surgical team by going around the community, hanging fliers and giving people more details. They had so much fun and it was such a good moment for my teacher heart.

The promotion of the blood bank has been sort of a passion project of mine since coming here. Donating blood has been very important to me since I was 16 because it was something that was so important to my Grandpa John. So. promoting the blood bank here is a way that I can honor him. Lots of exciting things have been going on in the blood bank this month! We have streamlined the process a little more for our group members who are willing to donate so that it doesn’t take as much time! Olvis, who sells larimar jewelry on vendor night at the guesthouse, donated blood this month! We have hit our goal of 50 donations from friends of SRI for 2024, so we’re bumping the goal up! We’ve got 3 teams left this year, so I’m hoping we can get to 75!

We took a girls day trip to Baní to a pumpkin patch! It was so much fun to do something a little nostalgic and just hang out with the girls!

I went to Las Terrenas for a retreat with Kamanda, Sarah, and Kelsi for a couple of days. It was nice to get out of San Juan for a bit to relax and be poured into. I really loved that area! It was such a neat place and we ate some REALLY REALLY GOOD FOOD!

This week, CCED invited our team over for dinner. It was such a beautiful time spent with them and I’m so thankful for their hospitality. They had everything decorated so nicely and served us a wonderful meal! The administrators and some students attended, so it was cool to get to socialize with them for a while. The students led us in a sweet time of worship, we celebrated Simón’s (director of CCED) and Nelly’s (assistant director of CCED) birthdays, and Jim & Mary Blankenship spoke about having witnessed the evolution of CCED from the time it was just a plot of land until now!

I have gotten to spend a lot more time with Adia and Monchy this month and I am so thankful for it! They are my family here and it’s been hard having opposite schedules and not seeing them much, but I’m glad we’ve gotten creative and intentional with our time. I’ve been sick this week and Adia has made me “gripe” tea a few times. So it’s been sweet to just go sit with her and talk over tea.

Prayer requests:
- Warlin (Wendoli’s brother) has Shone’s syndrome and was in the hospital for a few days last week
- Spiritual and physical rest
- Intentionality with time and relationships
- Wisdom and peace