“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?”
Matthew 6:28-30
Kamanda often sends me Instagram reels of a guy who highlights one thing he’s grateful for each day. Some are silly and some are sweet, but I look forward to hearing what he’s grateful for. It’s challenged me to think about the things I sometimes forget in my day to day and tune my heart to be grateful for the small things.
One thing that has really caught my attention lately is the nature here. Every day I’m blown away by it when driving down the road or sitting on someone’s front porch. The mountains here are incredibly big. I love to look at the way they crease and fold and how the shadows of the clouds fall across them. They make me feel so small, yet so seen by God.
I’ve also been in awe of the color green lately. It’s never been a color my eye has been attracted to, but when I look out the window as I’m driving, I see so many shades of green layered on top of each other in the rice fields, the plantain trees, the coconut trees, and in all the lushness of this country. It contrasts perfectly with the bright, blue sky and the crystal blue water. Seeing these two colors every time I look outside brings me so much peace.
Speaking of loving to be outside, I love the feeling of the sun on my skin. When we had a week without a team, I sat in the sun almost everyday and we went to the beach for staff appreciation! I’ve been soaking up the sun every time I get the chance!
So, all that to say, I’m very grateful for the simple things like the view of the mountains, the colors green and blue, and feeling the sunshine on my skin. These things just remind me of how detailed and loving God is. Without speaking a word, all of creation sings His praises. And if He puts this much detail and care into the things that can’t speak, how much more detail and care does He give to His beloved children! My brain can’t even begin to fathom it when I sit down and truly think about it.
When I consider all of these things, I’m overwhelmed with so much emotion, yet so much peace. It all reminds me so much of my grandpa because he loved all of these small, but beautiful details. It still hurts to think about him not being here anymore, but it also reassures me that he is enjoying things so much more beautiful than what we can here because he’s in the presence of Jesus. He is fully restored. He can see, he can walk, he can speak. And if earth is this beautiful, I can’t even begin to imagine how beautiful heaven is with the echoes of all of heaven singing praises to the Lord for eternity.
These reminders also give me peace in the upcoming season of transition for SRI. It’s evident that the Lord’s hand is in it and is placing each of us exactly where He wants us. Although I’m excited to see the ways the Lord will work in this new season, change can be very difficult. So, when I look at nature, I’m reminded of how detailed the Lord is with things that are only temporary and can rest assured that He has an intricate and beautiful plan that He’s weaving in this ministry and in each of our lives.
Here are a few updates on life here in the DR:
Lately, I have gotten more involved in this community by speaking at a local university to students studying to be English (as a foreign language) teachers and helping plan youth group events at our church! It’s been so fun to get plugged in and increase my community here!
My cousin, Ava, came down with the SUU team last week and it was so special to have her here! I felt like I didn’t get a whole lot of time with her, but I’m glad the SUU crew took her in as one of their own! This was her first time on a plane and her first time outside of the US. I’m so glad I got to experience it with her! I went with the team back to the capital, so I was excited to show her around one of my favorite places in this country: the Colonial Zone! I can’t wait for her to come back! (Hopefully with some more of my family!)
We’ve had a total of 13 pints of blood donated by group members in the last month and a half or so! That’s been pretty exciting!
Dolly has grown a lot & is getting lots of loving from all of the team members! She pretty much only understands Spanish and is getting pretty good at sitting and staying!
Wednesday, we hosted a farewell party for the Zimmermans and Buchers. The weather was a bit tricky, but it turned out to be a very beautiful and special night. I loved hearing about the impact that both families have made in this community over the years. Pastors Ronny, Tony, Enol, and Sobe each said a few words and prayed over them and they were recognized by the directors of three of our partner schools. Braegan’s group performed 2 beautiful dances (one of them to one of my favorite songs called Tú Proveerás.) I’m thankful for their leadership and friendship and am excited to see what the Lord has in store for this next season!
Prayer Requests:
- SRI team as we walk through this transition
- Continued spiritual growth