Last year, I listened to a Daily Grace Co. podcast called “Faithfulness Over Busyness: How to Start a Season Well.” It has been a topic that has been on my heart ever since. I recently listened to it again because we just had quite a bit of a break between teams and it seemed very fitting going into the spring season of hosting teams. Two things that really caught my attention was when they said:
- “Sometimes our drive and our want to be faithful leads us somehow into busyness”
- “Busyness tends to glorify ourselves….whereas faithfulness is upholding the glory of God.”
In the work that we’re doing here in San Juan, it is so easy to get focused on all of the logistics of planning for and executing the hosting of teams. While that is extremely important to keep this ministry going, it is easy to let these good and necessary things suck me into busyness and away from faithfulness. It can lead me into relying on my own strength and putting my time with the Lord on the back burner.
In Mark 1:32-39, we see that Jesus served the people by healing the sick and driving out demons, but very early the next morning, Jesus went out to a deserted place and prayed. This is such a beautiful reminder, especially in the work we’re doing here, to follow Jesus’ example and take some intentional time with the Lord in the midst of serving so that we may discern what He’s calling us to focus on and to be obedient in doing the work that He has set before us.
I will be honest that I have fallen short of faithfulness over the past few weeks. But praise the Lord that He is faithful even when I am not and is always waiting with open arms when we turn and run to Him. It is so easy to fall into busyness with all of the things that have to be done to keep this ministry going. This is why every month, one of my prayer requests is for continued spiritual growth as well as both physical and spiritual rest.
After 4 weeks without teams, it felt so good to be hosting groups and getting back into a routine again! Although hosting teams can sometimes be physically exhausting, it can also be spiritually refreshing. This month, we hosted 2 teams: one was surgical and barrio and the other was surgical only. I always enjoy getting to know the team members! We had lots of first timers and I loved hearing their takeaways from serving here in the DR. I also love to hear the stories of people who come year after year.
During our weeks off at the first of the month, I was able to spend quite a bit of time with friends. I went hiking and ate some fresh caught crab out of the creek. I got to go with Adia, Monchy, Nashley, Sarah, and Braegan to the beach. I went with Kelsi to Hector’s school where she gave a presentation of the dangers of vaping to his class. Kelsi and I also gave blood at our clinic and we have even started facilitating the blood donations of group members! I’ve practiced driving the stick shift and feel like I’m starting to get the hang of it!

And probably the biggest news is that a pup adopted me.. Yes, you read that right. I had absolutely no intention of having a dog, but she showed up and I just couldn’t let her go. So her name is Dolly (Brantley has given her the middle name “Pickles”) and she’s very smart and loving! She’s our new guest house guard dog and loves to sit with our security guards! Sweet little Dolly is ready to welcome you to your next stay at the guest house!

Prayer requests:
- Continued spiritual growth & reliance on the Lord
- Faithfulness over busyness
- More gospel opportunities & boldness
- Spiritual and physical rest
- Endurance and resistance against spiritual warfare
- Community